Let's talk about the winch and the lights.
Bumper is simply a square profile bolted on the frame.I
bent and tapped a solid bar to build the upper section.
built the winch rollers as I've done on the F-350. The hook is sculpted
from alloy sheet.
That's the winch drum. I modded a servo to make it freely
and secured the drum onto the servo final gear.
The drum is an alloy tube, with another alloy tube to support the second
ball bearing.
A both ends supported drum will helps a TON using it
cause the cable won't go to hang into frame or others parts.
The drum mounted on the servo.
Note that one of the bearing is the original one of the servo and it's
inside the plastic box.
Now acting on a switch on my radio will result in switchin
on/off the winch in both direction.
Mounted on the frame right
behind the steering servo.
The plastic white tube leads the cable to the rollers.
Cable is a steel one. I'll probably replace it with stronger nylon fishing
Here you can see the steering setup even. Steering servo
is a Hitec 645 MG. I don't wanted axle mounted steering servo due to
scale needings.
Another shot of the winch servo.
The Tonka body came with some ugly red lenses in the
head lights.
I found some old lights I had from years and discovered thye fit perfectly
into the body lights holes.
I used them for the bumper lights even. Lenses are from the rollbar
lights of a Juggy.
These are the completed bumper lights before installation.
Lightbulbs are high intensity
There are a couple of reasons to choose leds inspite of lightbulbs.
They use a very little amount of power and the don't get hot while turned