After some work I came out with a couple of alluminium plates with a lot of pinion between them.

Obviously I had to make a big hole in the chassis for the motor.

The new motor position. I succeded to keep the motor low. Almost low than the stock position.

This is the completed 2 speed tranny. Acting on the rod with the spring will shift the gears.

I wasn't sure it would work at this point, but I was determined enough not to give up thinking a trying.

After some math I came up with the new final ratios. 34:1 in first gear and 17:1 in second gear: a good basher ratio and a killer crawling ratio.

A pic of the pile of pinions. The shifting couple is the middle one.

The gearing problem was solved. Now there was another to solve: Ground Clearance. By his nature the TL01 hasn't enough.

It was time to use the hacksaw.



This is the frame after some work.
I had ground clearance now, but the frame is weakened. Especially on the side motor.

So I began to rebuild the frame.

Side alluminium plates did the work, but there were those huge holes to be covered. The pinions in the tranny were exposed even.


Bottom close up.